AI Integration: Need, Want or Hype?

Artificial intelligence has come to industries and supply chains, but how companies implement the technology will be the difference between value generation versus using it ‘for the sake of using it.’

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This issue of Inside Supply Management® delves into managing supply chain risk and prioritizing agility. The cover article discusses how integrating artificial intelligence (AI) can lead to value generation. Also read about the power of cross-collaboration, the intersection between logistics and X-shoring, and how the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) is shaping supply chain resilience.

Read Current Magazine Issue
Despite enthusiasm about AI and Industry 4.0,

reluctance can be an indelible adversary.

Supply Management News & Reports

Regionalization Relies on Relationships

May 28, 2024

To ensure supply availability, cut logistics costs and improve proximity to customers, more U.S. companies are looking to Mexico as an option. And those that already have operations there are expanding. Mexico is the No. 1 trading partner of the U.S., surpassing China in 2023.

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